William and Diane Pennock (Testimonial)

In August 2012 we had decided to pre-arrange our funeral as well as have our headstone completed and in place. We had done all our arrangements with a particular Funeral Home and had discussed with them our headstone design and plan.

Our plan was somewhat complex as we had taken several examples and designed our dream stone to represent two families. After several discusions initiated on my part with the Funeral Home representative it became apparent he just could not or would not try to accomplish our design and he continued to try and get us to accept his standard design.

We dropped in at your office one Saturday mid August and was assured that my design was possible. We subsequently worked on the fine tuning of the design back and forth via email. Then established a final price for what we wanted. By the end of August we gave the go ahead for our monument to be prepared and installed on our plot in Almonte. We were assured it would be done by November end.

The result has been even more amazing than we had expected. As my husband said "This is to represent the rest of our Death" so we were not prepared to settle for anything less than our design.


Thank You

- William and Diane Pennock